Calculator and Converter

Language: Versione in italiano  English version

Date calculations

Setting time of Travel and date/time of Arrival, it calculates date and time of Start : (Arrival - Travel)
D   M   Y              
Setting date/time of Start and date/time of Arrival, it calculates time of Travel : (Arrival - Start)
Setting date/time of Start and time of Travel, it calculates date and time of Arrival : (Start + Travel)

Time of travel

Calculates the travel time needed for all the troops to go from a start village to an arrival village. Insert coordinates of villages, world speed and unit speed modifier (this information can be taken starting from this page, searching "World settings"). Click on "Calc" to obtain times.
Start village
x   y
Arrival village
x   y
Speed   Modifier  
Spear Fighter 000:00:00.000 Scout 000:00:00.000 Ram 000:00:00.000 Paladin 000:00:00.000
Sword Fighter 000:00:00.000 Light Cavalry 000:00:00.000 Catapult 000:00:00.000 Nobleman 000:00:00.000
Axe Fighter 000:00:00.000 Mounted Archer 000:00:00.000    
Archer 000:00:00.000 heavy Cavalry 000:00:00.000    

Hours/days converter

Setting h hours, m minutes, s seconds will be given conversion in D days, h hours, m minutes, s seconds : (Calculates in days)
Setting D days, h hours, m minutes, s seconds will be given conversion in h hours, m minutes, s seconds : (Calculates in hours)

Coordinates extractor

Simple utiity that allows to extract coordinates of Tribal Wars from any text. The coordinates can be formatted in BB-Code with normal tag [coord] or claim tag [claim] (useful for forums and for in-game messages) or without format (useful for fake script generators). Paste any text that contains coordinates as x|y and click "Extract". The command "Extract shuffled" returns a list of coordinates ordered randomly. Setting "One per row" the result will contain a single column of coordinates.
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